Stage 11: Mulhouse - Ferrette (34,55 km)
Today I start from my hotel in Mulhouse, less than a mile from where, ten years ago, a nice gentlemen first told me about the Rhine-Rhone-Canal. Which changed the whole journey to Santiago. And, in a way, changed my conception of France.
Today, as I walk along the canal and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the path, I smile at the anger and pressure I have felt ten years ago. I smile at Heraclitus' words: "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." I don't know about the river, but the second part is quite true.
After about 10k, I say goodbye to the canal, for good this time (at least for this trip). Fun fact, these 10 k today are the only part of the route after Darmstadt that I have walked before.
With the canal, I am also leaving the flat part of Alsace and make my way toward the Jura mountain range. The path is a mixture of asphalt streets with decent traffic and steep walking trails. Nothing too challenging so far, but I am rather nervous about the next two days towards Biel.
Stocking up on food at the local supermarket shortly before arriving at my beautiful apartment in Ferrette.
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