Stage 19: Montreux to Bourg-Saint-Pierre (30,98 km)
Todays stage is relatively short in distance, but comes with a solid 1300m in altitude gain.
I start out early in still sleepy Martigny, and am almost immediately treated with a warmup. Up the hill I go.
Along the way I spot the first sign of the via francigena, one of the name-givers of this project.
Still foggy and cloudy I make my way towards the light.
Another sign I find along the way. Is that a small h or a capital R? I decide on the latter and have to smile.
Until I pass the village on Orsieres, I am more or less alone on some side road. Early on, I get passes by a cyclist who askes me where I was going. From then on, every house in every small hamlet I pass, I am greeted by "Vous allez à rome?". Not much entertainment around here, it seems.
The views are majestic, and the pictures don't really capture that properly. The road however, is quite busy. It is a sunny Sunday, and everybody with a car seems to be enjoying driving up and down the curvy mountain road. Judging from only today, I'd say 40% of the Swiss drive Porsches.
I reach my destination early, before 15.00 and for a bit contemplate whether I should continue on to the pass, then decide against it.
The hotel is good, dinner even better and once I stop walking I quickly feel how tired I am. Yesterdays bad parts are forgotten, I am content.
Tomorrow I will pet some dogs.
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