Stage 37: Lido di Camaiore to Capannori (36.23 km)
Sunday, October 31, 2021
In a different world
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Screw capitalism
Stage 35: Fiumaretta di Ameglia to Lido di Camaiore (28.91 km)
In my mind, I would be walking along the beach promenade see the ocean the whole day and be happy.
In reality I walked along a busy road (the beach promenade) and looked at closed building, gates, fences and hedges. But no ocean. 95% of the beachfront property here is concessioned for private beaches, which - since it is off season - are all closed and boarded up. A disgrace. At least the mountains to the other side offer nice views.
The stage is not too long, nevertheless I can't seem to find a rhythm. It is time for a break.
So I find a decent hotel (actually it is a shabby hotel, but it is mostly empty and) with a balcony overlooking the beach and sea.
Due to a public holiday on Monday, this apparently is long-weekend-travel season here. Hotels around Lucca are obscenely expensive, so I decide to stay here for 2 full days before continuing on Sunday.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
The old man and the sea
Stage 35: Groppoli to Fiumaretta di Ameglia (40,03 km)
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Over the pass
Stage 34: Berceto to Groppoli (38,33 km)
Monday, October 25, 2021
Back to the 80s
For today I have booked a B&B in Berceto called "Casa di Marty", the house of Marty. Well, it has to be somebody's house.
When I reach the place and get shown my room, which is a whole apartment, it becomes clear that Marty refers not the owner of the B&B, but, "anybody home", Marty McFly.
The whole place is a homage to movies, pop culture, mostly 80, and most of all, Back to the Future.
This is so awesome, I feel like a child again.
Into the mountains again
Stage 33: Fornova di Taro to Berceto (30,77 km)
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Sunday is Funday
Stage 32: Collecchio to Fornovo di Taro (17,09 km)
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Finally, the end of the Po valley
Stage 31: Castelnuovo Fogliani to Collecchio (34,05 km)
I leave the Agriturismo in still foggy weather. It seems to be always foggy in the Po region in the morning. Probably due to the extensive irrigation. Also, every village seems to have an impressive church or a castle.
On my way I meet Snow White and her companions.
The weather can't decide what it wants to be, but it stays mostly cloudy, but warm throughout the day.
Crossing the river Taro, there is a drastic difference between the map ...
This day marks the end of my hike through the plains, tomorrow I will turn south and towards the mountains again.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Meandering in more fields, a marker and a wonderful ending
Stage 30: Piacenza to Castelnuovo Fogliani (40,87 km)
Another day, another hike along roads full of trucks and their courteous drivers, passing endless fields, that by now seen to be all harvested.
Somewhere on the way, as I backtrack on yet an other path that dead ends in a ditch that I cant pass, I reach the 1000km mark. I only notice at night, when I update my statistics.
The day ends well, in a beautiful Agriturismo. Beautiful place, nice room, gorgeous dinner where I meet a wonderful couple from Holland to talk through the meal.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Wash, rinse, repeat
Stage 29: Castel San Giovanni to Piacenza (24,99 km)
Another nondescript day. Grey sky, straight road, fields.
Not even the river I cross seems to be alive anymore.
Piacenza, my destination for the day, treats me with a comfortable room and excellent Sushi.
Overall, I can't wait to leave this region. It might be touristically interesting, but for my trip, just not worth it. Two more days and I will turn south and enter mountainous regions again. More challenging, but hopefully also more interesting. We'll see.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Across the Po
Stage 28: Pavia to Catsel San Giovanni (35,99 km)
Early morning Pavia is busy. Busy as a metropole. In general, there is noticeably a lot more business, traffic, work, movement going on in northern Italy than in France or Switzerland.
I find a canal that immediately reminds me of Mulhouse, but it is only short and not that nice for hiking.
After that, more fields, and the clear skies are over, it becomes increasingly cloudy.
Challenge for today is crossing a long, narrow bridge across the rive Po, but even here, the oncoming cars are calm and courteous. The bridge also brings me from the Lombard region into Emilia Romagna.
The area is packed with old churches and monumental buildings, often times I find it difficult to differentiate between the ruins and the buildings still in use.
Want to see what I see? Check out the video:
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Good vibrations
Stage 27: Tromello to Pavia (30,11 km)
The day starts out well, a good breakfast in the small hotel I stayed in with a server so vibrant and full of good cheers that I feel immediately energised.
After that it is on to more straight flat roads in grey-in-grey weather.
I reach Pavia, todays goal early afternoon and have time to relax in a good B&B.
Monday, October 18, 2021
More fields
Stage 26: Vercelli to Tromello (42,69 km)
Unharvested fields
Harvested fields
Fields by the roadside
That was pretty much the day. And it was a long one. Want to see more fields? Check the video ;-)
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Rice, wheat, more rice
Stage 25: Santhia to Vercelli (22,3 km)
Canals more than rivers that are part of an elaborate irrigation system mark this area.
The roads are straight and flat, not much too see but fields of rice and fields of wheat as far as the eyes can see.
It is easy hiking, but also quite mind-numbing. I feel quite tired, so I decide to take a rest day tomorrow.
Have a look yourself. Check the video.